12 Sexual Types

How flexible are you?

Everyone has the potential to enjoy sex with both men and women. The old terminology for sexual orientation - gay, straight, and bisexual - is too limiting and unrelated to how people think, feel, and behave in the real world. Though all labels are inadequate, and human sexuality is fluid by nature, I have come up with a dozen sexual types that may help you understand where you fit within the wide range of human sexual potential. These types overlap somewhat and reflect various elements of personality, experience, and culture which may vary over time. Do not be constrained by the labels.

I have had to invent many of these terms, because the concepts which they describe have not been categorized in this way before. I will describe each sexual type more fully in separate blog posts.

  1. Heteroflexible: You are open to fooling around with someone of the same sex, even though you generally consider yourself straight. Also known as bi-curious, questioning, experimenting, or mostly straight.
  2. Supersexual: You have a strong drive and are interested in finding new ways to express yourself sexually. You probably prefer the opposite sex, but gender is less important than opportunity.
  3. Ambisexual: You are attracted to men and women in more or less the same way and to the same degree. Also known as classic bisexual, AC-DC, 50-50, or a Kinsey 3.
  4. Polyamorous: You have the capacity to have romantic relationships with both men and women. Your tastes and experience may be fluid and not determined by the gender of your partner.
  5. Gay or Lesbian: You have a strong preference for members of the same sex. You have probably had experiences with the opposite sex as well, but your same-sex desires are strong enough that you would not want to live as straight. Also known as homosexual.
  6. Queer: You are frustrated with the divide between gay and straight, and suspicious of divisions between male and female. You may consider yourself post-gay and beyond labels. You may also call yourself homoflexible, to reflect your gay preferences and openness to other relationships.
  7. Metamorphic: You feel different from the gender of your birth, either in your life as a whole or only in the realm of sex. There are several different metamorphic types; also known as androgynous, cross-dresser, transgendered, transvestite, transvestic fetish, or transsexual.
  8. Transitioning: Your sense of sexual orientation is changing or evolving. Commonly known as coming out of the closet, in the case of same-sex interests; you may transition in other directions.
  9. Restrained: Your desires are at odds with your view of yourself and your relationship to your family and society. Also known as closet case or on the down-low.
  10. Versatile: You are willing and able to have sex with others for whom you do not feel much desire or love, usually because you derive some other benefit from the relationship. Also known as gay-for-pay or sugarbaby.
  11. Macho: Only applies to men. You are willing to have sex with other men, so long as you are the active or insertive partner. Your partner may be gay, but you consider yourself straight or a "top."
  12. Straight: You lack sexual and romantic feelings for members of the same sex, and any same-sex experiences have confirmed your lack of interest. Also known as heterosexual.