About Your Flexuality Profile

The Flexuality Test has just been published. Thank you for taking the test!

Your profile has two parts.

The first is the sexual type which best captures your pattern of answers. The sexual types overlap somewhat, so you may have features from more than one category. Keep in mind that these categories are fluid and not immutable.

The second part is your flexuality score. The score represents the extent to which your attitudes, environment, experiences, and desires add up to a flexible predisposition in terms of potential sexual partners and activities. Possible scores range from 0 (least flexible) to 100 (most flexible).

(Click here to see a graph of the flexibility scores for the first 500 people who have taken the test. It falls roughly into a bell curve with an average score around 50.)

Please keep in mind that there is nothing magical about this test. The resulting profile is based entirely on the answers you give and is intended to provide a framework to help you think about your sexual orientation. It cannot reveal sexual tendencies of which you are unaware. If the profile seems inaccurate to you, you should trust your judgment and not assume that the test has somehow uncovered something you have kept secret from yourself. The test may have misunderstood the context of your answers for you as an individual. Also, the questions, scoring, and sexual types themselves are based to some extent on cultural assumptions that may be most applicable in English-speaking "Western" cultures.

What do you think of your results? Please share your comments on the blog!

Periodically, I will share summary results to some of the questions on the test. As more people take the test, we will all have a much better understanding of the extent of sexual flexibility and where we fit in the spectrum.